We make every effort to ensure that your purchase experience at S&M Universal Jewelry is secure. We use state-of-the-art data encryption technology to protect against loss, misuse or alteration of your user information. Secure Socket Layers (SSLs) encrypt the information sent between your computer and our database. In addition, we use Internet fraud screening to protect credit card transactions.
To be sure you're browsing secure pages, check your Web browser's status bar (located at the bottom of the window) for the closed padlock icon. This icon appears in the latest versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator to tell you that you are viewing a secure web page. Also, all browsers display an "s" after the "http" (https://? in the Web site address to indicate that you're in a secure environment.
We also protect your purchase by preventing the shipment of merchandise to a fraudulent address. All billing addresses are verified electronically and all alternate shipping addresses are verified manually. Any customer shipping to an address that differs from the billing address must put this alternate address on file with his or her credit card company. We then call the credit card issuer to verify that the customer has indeed put the information on file.
S&M Universal Jewelry also has an iron-clad Safe Shopping Guarantee, which states that you pay nothing if unauthorized charges are made to your credit card as a result of shopping at S&M Universal Jewelry. If you have further questions or concerns, feel free to call our Customer Service Representatives at 212-406-1166.