Interesting ways to team-up tennis bracelets with other diamond jewels

To pair up a diamond bracelet with earrings, go for studs. Large dangling chandelier-like earrings work best for occasions when they are enough to make a statement on their own. Stud earrings look absolutely elegant when worn with a silver diamond bracelet. This arrangement will accentuate the beauty of each jewel without overpowering the attire with too much sparkle or glitz.

Another wonderful companion to a diamond bracelet is necklace. To make a good pair choose the metals rightly. White gold, platinum and sterling silver make wonderful combination. You can mix yellow gold up with other gold-toned or double-toned metals. You can also wear a platinum bracelet with a simple while gold chain. Add a sleek diamond pendant for women to add a fine amount of dazzle.

Next option is a ring which sits closely with bracelets therefore it is best to go for simple rings, so that it doesn’t overpower its beauty. A diamond ring is also a good option but do not go for over dramatic cocktail rings studded with extravagant embellishments and gemstones. Such rings will steal all the focus from the bracelet.

Not many people think of teaming up bracelets with brooches, so it will give you a unique look. People wear brooches on scarf, handbags, shawl and sweater, and so it will create a perfect balance of glitter throughout the ensemble.

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